Yes, it is FUJIKA Hi-PET Kerosene Heater the Masterpiece of Japanese heating Technology makes a comeback by popular demand.
Portable Light and Simple! Endurance with Convenience, Japanese Technology to realize the entire concept into “ FUJIKA HI-PET“ Kerosene Heater.
FUJIKA HI-PET Kerosene Heater, carefully Made in Japan piece by piece, will warm your HOME and HEART.
Our original wicks will assure you that your kerosene heater will work at its maximum heating capacity expected from any made-in-Japan kerosene heater when you use clean 1K kerosene.
Best way to preserve your kerosene wick life.
Once a week try to burn the wick somewhere outdoor but away from wind draft until the kerosene heater burns all the kerosene inside the heater kerosene tank. This self-cleaning method will keep your wick life longer.
Keep Your Heater Combustion Steady