Yes, it is FUJIKA Hi-PET Kerosene Heater the Masterpiece of Japanese heating Technology makes a comeback by popular demand.
Portable Light and Simple! Endurance with Convenience, Japanese Technology to realize the entire concept into “ FUJIKA HI-PET“ Kerosene Heater.
FUJIKA HI-PET Kerosene Heater, carefully Made in Japan piece by piece, will warm your HOME and HEART.

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Who Are We?
At our company, you can find the necessary products which you are looking for to enhance your home living style, especially when you think of kerosene, electric, and gas heaters during the winter season or during summer holiday camping as well. Our line of products includes home appliances, solar energy, electric cars, elevators, escalators and all kinds of pumps, and food waste disposers.
Since Fujika trademarks are a well-known brand which means all our customers can depend on our products with its Japanese technology and accurate quality control, whether we make Fujika products in Japan or we authorize other qualified factories overseas to manufacture specific products under franchise rights overseas.